Dating via instagram

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Humor and memes tend to work well on Instagram, which has a much lighter tone than its parent platform Facebook or platforms like Twitter. A lot of Instagrammers have that in el. The goal for many was to figure dating via instagram that all-consuming question: Does my crush like me as much as I like them. There were 272 photos posted by these dating brands and only 27 videos. What you look like is important, but your visual xi is much more so. The newlyweds, clearly enamored with one another and sharing a webcam, held hands the whole time. Most people seem to be obsessed with photo sharing sites these days. And the beautiful filters and sentiments, the ideal lighting and memorable locations, are simply hypnotizing. Solo you can select nine of your favorite photos that describe your personality and you?.

Elan Miller is showing me his profile on , the -based dating app he launched last week. The app has matched him up with a girl in her early 20, and he pulls up her Instagram default. She has tanned skin, long blonde hair, and a wide, easy smile. Most of her nine photos are her with her equally blonde and smiling friends; some of them are of the duckfaced, bathroom mirror variety. In one of the photos, she and her friends are wearing Groucho Marx-style moustaches. Similar apps like Kisstagram and Instadating are offered online, but appear to not be offered through the app store. With Glimpse, users enter their basic information into the app gender, birth date, sexual orientation and then upload their top nine Instagram photos to their profile, which can be everything from sepia-filtered selfies to photos from that sushi joint you went to on your last vacation to Miami Beach. Miller and his team founded Glimpse about a year ago, as a response to his own mixed experiences with online dating. In this respect and a few others, such as its swipe-through feature, Glimpse clearly takes its inspiration from Tinder. Discovering shared interests via Instagram also provides a more naturalistic segue into a conversation, as opposed to a dating platform like OKCupid, where female users are often inundated with creepy requests from suitors. Here you can just chat instead of having to go the whole nine yard before meeting each other. Because my Instagram primarily consists of photos of my cat, food, and doodles of Law and Order characters, my Glimpse profile makes me look like a gluttonous, TV-obsessed crazy cat lady which is not an inaccurate representation, but still : Screengrabs via Glimpse Additionally, Glimpse poses the potential issue of misrepresentation, or users presenting glossier, more idealized versions of themselves. While this is a concern with virtually any dating app, it seems like it particularly applies to an Instagram-based app like Glimpse, which gives even the most non-Photoshop-savvy user the tools to tint, crop, and tone any flaws that might be glaring in a nonaltered photo. An Instagram photo of a glorious sunset during a weekend jaunt to Jakarta, for instance, could just as easily be an expertly filtered snapshot of that same sunset in Great Neck, Long Island. The potential for misrepresentation seemed particularly apparent to me when I started using Glimpse and instantly realized that absolutely everyone on the app was infinitely cooler, sexier, and more well-traveled than I was: Screengrabs via Glimpse When I brought this up to Miller—i. But he did acknowledge that the fact that Glimpse is currently invitation-only allows them to screen more rigorously for their first users, which gives the app a tinge of elitism. We want to set the culture of the app with the first few thousand users by having people who share not just what they look like, but how they see the world. What you look like is important, but your visual perspective is much more so. So the question is, how much does Glimpse actually provide a glimpse see what I did there? Miller is betting that they are.

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